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Things to Consider When Preparing to Plan a Funeral
How much do you feel comfortable spending? There are many things to consider when thinking about a funeral budget. There are a wide variety of services and selections to choose from to make your funeral affordable.
Funeral Home options
From cremation to burial, visitation to reception there are many options available
Cremation or Burial
Difference- cost-
How much can I pre-plan?...Flowers?
How can i be sure all my wishes are going to happen?
Funeral Rep
Pre-pay vs Not
All at once, installments?
what kind of documents do i need?
What paperwork do I need? Will you help?
what does it cover?
What if I don't pre-plan?
Is a will the way?- the last say?
Unanticipated unforseeable changes- Whats not gaurenteed if i pre pay
Why Plan Ahead?
What is Preplanning?
Meet Our Pre-Planning Specialist
Start Planning
Things to Consider
Lunch and Learn
Driven by a passion to serve families, our team is comprised of compassionate and dedicated people who are always willing to go above and beyond to support each family during a difficult time.
Our caring and professional staff will also go to great lengths to assist your family in creating a personalized and unique service for your loved one.
At Molnar Funeral Homes we offer four different locations from which families can choose.

Our History
John Molnar, Sr. opened the Detroit Hungarian Funeral Home, now the Molnar Funeral Homes, in 1923. The funeral home began in his home until relocating across the street to it's Delray location at 8623 Dearborn Avenue, in 1936. He had a strong work ethic and believed that you should never stop learning...