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Obituary of Donald Anthony Vaccarelli
September 11, 1938 – June 28, 2019
Donald Anthony Vaccarelli. Age 80 of Southgate.
Beloved husband of Bonnie for 55 wonderful years. Loving father of Pamela Vaccarelli and Gina (Scott) Vaccarelli - Plonka. Dearest Nonno of Vincenzo Anthony Vartanian and Bella Sophia Plonka. Great Nonno of Lola Lucille Vartanian. Dear brother of John (Cynthia) Vaccarelli. Preceded in death by brother Frank Louis Vaccarelli.
Family Tribute
Daddy –
As Gina and I sit here crying for the sweet YOU we have lost and miss with all our hearts, we reflect on all that you are to us. Your all-encompassing love and generosity that you gave unconditionally is the life message you gave to the world. You are our hero, our best buddy, our EVERYTHING, and our everyday. We did everything we could to keep you, but God had a different plan. It doesn’t make sense right now as we hurt, a pain so heavy, it rocks us to our core. We know in death comes great sorrow, we just never imagined this death we speak of would be you. Grief is a strange companion we will get to know well as the days go on.
We are reflecting now on what we celebrate about you – your adorable face, those eyes, that smile, those hugs, those hands, that infectious laugh, all the daily text messages, our evening rituals “Daddy loves Pammy,” “Daddy loves Gina” every single night – all these things bring joy to our hearts. You always made us your priority and were the best provider, even when your job took you around the world. The four of us are bonded through time, and we have peace knowing our connection doesn’t stop here. Your three girls will keep your spirit alive, you’ve always given us strength.
You grew the best garden! And how you loved to share your crop with just about anyone! How much you loved us – your daughters who cherished the ground you walked on. How much you adored your wife of 55 amazing years - our mother and taught us a love that fairy tales are made of. You held her hand every night in bed and said your prayers. Your spirituality and love for God was unshakeable. You loved your family – Nonna, Nonno, brothers, cousins, etc, they meant everything to you. You sure loved all the family gatherings. You loved your friends! You loved your cat! You loved your music and sis and I carry the torch! You could fix anything and we still have a list for you! How much you loved your truck, golf – coaching everyone who would listen, bowling, and especially being a Marine. Semper Fi sweet daddy. And boy you loved your job and all your buddies. You will always be respected by them.
Your generous spirit was felt by many, and many loved you. You lit up a room with your charisma, good looks, and presence. You always lit up our world. You’re a humble man, a strong man, and the greatest man we know. You were our first true love and led by example what goodness is all about.
Our hearts ache and an emptiness that’s hard to describe permeates every fiber of our being. We lost one of the great ones on June 28, 2019. Ironically, the same day you entered the Marines on June 28, 1957. Apropos, perhaps.
Our love for you is infinite and endless and will never waiver. It was an honor to care for you when you needed it the most. We would have done anything for you anytime. Thank you for everything barely describes our gratitude – it’s the deepest deep of respect and honor. Rest well sweet handsome man, keep shining bright, until we see you again. With love and light, always and forever ~ “Pammy loves daddy.” “Gina loves daddy.” “Momma loves daddy.”
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Our caring and professional staff will also go to great lengths to assist your family in creating a personalized and unique service for your loved one.
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Our History
John Molnar, Sr. opened the Detroit Hungarian Funeral Home, now the Molnar Funeral Homes, in 1923. The funeral home began in his home until relocating across the street to it's Delray location at 8623 Dearborn Avenue, in 1936. He had a strong work ethic and believed that you should never stop learning...